Adjustable.Container | Just like a normal container, only adjustable. |
Geyser | The Geyser Layout Manager for Mudlet. |
Geyser.Button | Represents a clickable button. |
Geyser.Color | Geyser color functions. |
Geyser.CommandLine | Represents a (sub)commandLine primitive. |
Geyser.Container | Represents a generic container with positional information. |
Geyser.Gauge | Represents a gauge that can be either vertical or horizontal. |
Geyser.Geyser | Geyser namespace. |
Geyser.HBox | A horizontal box container. |
Geyser.Label | Label class to use CSS and images. |
Geyser.Mapper | Represents a mapper primitive. |
Geyser.MiniConsole | Represents a miniconsole primitive. |
Geyser.ScrollBox | Represents a ScrollBox primitive. |
Geyser.SetConstraints | Setting window contraints. |
Geyser.StyleSheet | Represents a stylesheet used for styling labels. |
Geyser.Tests | Tests for Geyser. |
Geyser.UserWindow | Represents a UserWindow Class. |
Geyser.Util | Assorted Geyser utilities. |
Geyser.VBox | A vertical box container. |
Geyser.Window | Represents an abstract window class designed to be subclassed for windows that are built on Mudlet primitives, like labels. |
GeyserReposition | Responds to sysWindowResizeEvent and causes all windows managed by Geyser to update their sizes and positions. |