The long road to a stable Mudlet 4.0

Or why it’s bad to update core dependencies last minute TL;DR: Our Windows service provider removed a software version we depend upon on short notice before the release of Mudlet 4.0 which created a lot of trouble. It also broke our auto-update, so if you are on...

Mudlet: 超过两年的开发, 现在4.0版本发布了

两年零四个月的技术讨论, 将近2,000次的代码提交 – Mudlet 4.0 终于来了! 我们实现了我们的 既定目标 让Mudlet支持国际化,支持更多语言, 从西班牙语到中文, 你可以用Mudlet畅玩各国语言的Mud游戏 :) 当然还有一些小的改进需要持续完成,例如翻译启动画面文本,但我们将始终持续的翻译并完善Mudlet. Mudlet 众筹 我们发起了一个众筹项目在 a Patreon!...

Announcing Mudlet’s own Patreon page!

Mudlet is launching a Patreon! Now obviously first and foremost: Mudlet will always be free and open source software. This will never change! However, there are some costs associated with keeping on. This includes maintaining the official releases and improving our...

3.21 – Start offline, shrink trigger editor & more!

Three, two, one! Counting down to the next Mudlet version, which lets you open a game offline, or shrink the trigger editor window for example. Open profile offline It’s a small thing, but one that has been requested over the years – and one that LiamLeFey...