New Features
We’ve added Lua functions to create permanent aliases/triggers/timers that show up in the script editor. This means that the #alias way of creating stuff from the input line is now feasible!
Another scripting addition was that now you can check if an alias/trigger/timer exits or is enabled. You can also enable, disable, and delete them via scripting.
The trigger editor pattern list was also partially redesigned, along with the trigger editor itself – making it perform much faster.
Blaine von Roeder has also created a Variable Persistence System – which means you can now easily save your variables across sessions! The manual will be updated shortly on how to make use of this.
Additinally, Babelfish created a checho function – it allows you to easily make an echo that has colors in between, using the hex color values. Next Mudlet version will have a cecho function which will allow you to do things like cecho(“this is
Bug Fixes
- Updated to QT-4.6, removing many rendering and display issues(doubling line inputs, etc)
- Fixed resetFormat( windowName ) to work on main console. Syntax is resetFormat().
- Defaulted LF-after-newline to ON for GA-enabled MUDs. Fixes reported problems with IRE prompts.
- Returning focus to Mudlet no longer causes incorrect characters to be hilighted in the command line.
- Pressing up when the command line is empty now selects the last sent command.
- Timer Folders no longer spam the Debug Console with execute announcements
- Debug console now shows correct capture groups for Aliases and Triggers (Bug 493400)
- LuaGlobal and Mudlet Documentation now properly updated on Mudlet start
- Colorizer triggers renamed to “Highlight Triggers” (Cosmetic)