от Vadim Peretokin | Мар 28, 2023 | Uncategorized (RU)
A follow-on to 4.17.0 that fixes tab windows going permanently bold, the F6 keybinding, and nested buttons.
от Vadim Peretokin | Фев 1, 2022 | Uncategorized (RU)
Every Mudlet release is like a box of presents, according to Mudlet dev Delwing. This box brings gifs, scrollboxes, and revamped sound & music to Mudlet — welcome to the first update of 2022! You can now use gifs in your Mudlet UI You heard it here first,...
от Vadim Peretokin | Ноя 21, 2021 | Uncategorized (RU)
AI is all the hype these days, so we asked what AI thought of Mudlet’s logo… apparently it is a statue of a giraffe in front of a waterfall. That’s not relevant to today’s release, but we thought you’d be interested in knowing this!...
от Vadim Peretokin | Июн 23, 2021 | Uncategorized (RU)
We’ve relaxed the requirements about getting your game listed in Mudlet if you feel that it doesn’t fit the existing ones in https://cnwiki.mudlet.org/w/Listing_Your_MUD, feel free to write to us and we’ll work something out.
от Vadim Peretokin | Июн 1, 2021 | Uncategorized (RU)
Sustainability is a hot topic in 2021 for all the right reasons: We want to ensure that we can keep doing what we’re doing. It is, coincidentally, the theme of Mudlet 4.12 as well — We’d like to be sure that we can keep building Mudlet as the game...